FAQ'S about Counseling
1) How does counseling work?
It begins with gathering all the information needed to assess what is going on that is causing stress or a desire to come for counseling. The initial session is the intake where we get to know each other and determine if we should enter into a collaborative therapeutic relationship. Based on mutually agreed upon goals and resources along with the severity of the problem we make a treatment plan. Generally it is best to meet weekly for sessions but less often is also an option. In person, phone, or video is an option.
2) How much does it cost?
I offer an affordable rate of $110 for a 50 min.session for individual therapy. Couples counseling is $125 for an hour. Affordable packages available for Pre-Marital couples not in crisis. I do accept major credit cards, personal checks, and cash. Payment is required at the time of service. There is a One time $25 application fee due the initial visit for set up and any assessments.
3) Do you take insurance?
The way I handle insurance is to offer a super bill which you may submit for reimbursement to your insurance company or your HSA. I am paid directly by you and do not guarantee your financial reimbursement. Many clients do not desire to file insurance as you do have to be diagnosed with a DSM code that goes in your permanent medical records. There are deductibles and co-pays as well that must be paid out-of-pocket.
4) What if my marriage is struggling but my partner is not willing to come?
This is often the case and I advise letting them know you desire to work on the marriage and are willing to take responsibility for your part in making changes. Let them know you would like them to come but plan to get help for yourself even if they don't come. One person willing to change can often make a difference in the dynamics that are causing conflict. If the marriage is not saved you will need help with the changes ahead. Setting boundaries to stop any abuse is vital to a healthy marriage.
5) What kind of results have you seen?
In the over 12 years I have worked with step-families, marriages, and women I have seen some miraculous changes. If you are willing to deal with your past hurts, remove protective walls you have constructed, and renew your mind with truth you can see tremendous change. Partnering with the Holy Spirit you have the power to change and can find peace and joy in spite of your circumstances. You have to pick your pain: The pain of remaining stuck or the pain of change which is temporary. The results are mostly up to you.